This Story belongs to Us...
Years passed, time flies
Different characters come and go in lifes
All sorts of worries start to develop somewhere
Even the smiles are not that natural anymore
No more uniform
Or school bags filled with textbooks
White hair popping out
Tears is not that helpful anymore
Sounded bad?
No way....
This is our growing process =)
No matter you admit or not
We are actually growing up
Without realising
Even the topics we talked about now are no longer the same
Nothing to worry about
This is actually normal
Problem is
Is everyone clear about the next step?
Now, we are allow to choose
No longer planned for us
No more from primary to secondary to jc or poly
You got the choice
But are you clear in your next step?
Do you like the thing you are doing now?
Will you be able to do well?
Most importantly is, will you regret?
'The future is in your hand'
and our stories will continue...

Click on faces to view profile =)
Judee: 15th April
Joan: 6th April
Jes: 17th June
San: 21st June
Pei Hua: 1st July
Yah Fong: 21st Sept
Siew Ying: 4th Oct
Lai Di: 26th Oct
our bintan trip is end of this yr! dec
Judee coming back to singapore during end of nov
syz, ph and jes school holiday start dec
san sch holiday during mid nov
anyone wanna learn diving next year?
go clubbing when ju is back!
BBQ for all wgs alumni, date and venue to be confirm
joan became the chairman of wgs alumni community.. woOo~
what we planned to do!
earn money go shopping and holiday!!!
Weekly party world session!
go chomp
chomp for supper!!
juDee pOh*

She is the boSs.. biGgeSt
LovE 2 heLp olD fOlks
usEd tO b rEd crOsser
ChineSe prOf
hAte sHoPping
BeGgy pAnts
abLe to CoOk nIce foOd
GoiNg aWay fOr 5 yeArs
wE'Ll miSs u

joan ow*

shE is thE 2Nd boSsie
boRn lEadEr
oLdeSt amoNg aLl
MIA aLot
buSy wOman
cArry vErY biG bAgs
cAmp aLot
sTrOng wOmaN

jesSica chEn

3rD boSsie oF thIs orGanisaTion
rOunD fAce
love day-dreaming
loVe mAcaDamIa
Love WU ZUN!
hEr iN heR oWn stYle
*sIsTa saNdy Heng*

thE 4tH boSsie
siAo sIao
LovE kDrAmaSsssss
mUmmy gIrL
goOd fiGure.. WoO..
bEcome mOre n MoRe wOman

*dAo Girl lim pei Hua (a.k.a ENIFER)*

thAt 5th one
frOm a FamIly wiTh fUll oF woMen
LovE cAtZzz *fAtty*
afRaiD of Men
shE iS moRe thAn fAir
owN stYleZz
simple yet complicated
ShE acTuallY plAyed VoliN
caN't sWim

> *nOisy Chong yAh Fong*

shE is That 6th
skInnY gIrl
bUt shE alWays saYs sHe is FAT
wOrk Non-sTop
loVe to Shop
AlwaYs bEen thE DucK
SuPER higH pItcH voIce
scuba diving

> *QuEeie tEh siEw YinG*

7tH onE
1 iN a MilliOn sChoLars whO loOk like aH LIan
beComiNg moRe woMan
suPeR noIsy.. NO pEacE!
vEry veIn
rIch giRl
agReed.. shE is SmaRt
knOwn as ChaRlenE tOo
*liTtle nG laIdi

thE younGesT oNe
suPer MIA
suPeR woMan: abLe to WOrk 24/7
suPeR skInnY
caNt gRow anyMorE tOo
biG eyEs thaT
dIao reN
mAthS powEr
aCt CutE!

Thursday, May 31, 2007
change theme song
hi girls....
i have change another theme song for us!! is by my fav SHE la... but choose this song is nt because i like them is because the lyric of this song is rather meaning for us... take a closer look at it! in addition, the lyric is written by saline and the melody is by my fav ella.. quite nice right? hehe
n n n ! those who lost the blog pwd, can ask me ask me... i dun wan this blog to become lor....
haha! enjoy the song!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
i m back!!!
hey girls!!!
i m back from TAIPEI!!! from yf's post, u sae u all miss me huh... zhen de ma???
haha!! got a lot of thing to sae abt the trip but wun sae here la, so long, also lazy to type... hehee!! the weather over there is so hot!! worst than here, 1 afternoon it actually hit up to 37 degree lor... scary... but truely.. the ppl there all very pretty and handsome lor!! make me so jealous... the girls there right, all fair fair de.. den got the sweet sweet girly look, den seldom see alot fot oversize figure de.. i feel so fat =S then the guys right, is 100% i like de lor!!!! suddenly discovered that singapore guys cmi lor.... sadded saded.. they all ver handsome n cute de lor.... got 1 guy work in a nike shop, he looked like younger and smaller version of MY AH ZUN!!!! he sounded very cute too!! den i purposely go ask for direction from him... hehehehehe... shy la...
in the 5 days i keep on eating lor... the food there really very nice lor... very cheap too!! love it... so u all can guess that i put on weight again le lor... haha! nvm... worth it! come back den go for diet.. hehehe
n right! SHE n FAHRENHEIT is so popular over there!! everyday when walking on xi meng ding, den will have their song over the big big tv over there!! i see untill so shiok! den sing along with them... den the shops there play wat songs i also know how to sing man!! cool!!!
most importantly... when i was there, just nice was xiao zhu's hand shaking event, just a street down from my hotel! of cos i was in!! i was so near to the stage lor... den i shaked his hand!!! he is so so so cute!! den very handsome too!! really really... very very handsome!!!! cant take it .. hahaha!! high high
k la k... i of cos got buy things for u all lor... when meet u all den give k? so nv meets mean no more huh.. hehehe!!
i love taiwan!!! think we shall go together next time huh... u all will like it!! but dun go during may... too hot le... hehehee!

This is the morning of xi meng ding.. empty cos all haven wake up

Look at the food there!!! very nice de wor........

i saw him !!! xiao zhu xiao zhu

they are human la... advertising a movie over there! their life very interesting hor

view from taipei 101... huge taiwan

hahaa! the total amount of things we bought from taiwan

saw the 2 bottle of drinks? cant b found in singapore yet wor... 1 got xiao zhu face the other got my fahrenheit

i bought this 3 mag!!! got my SHE and FAHRENHEIT

Monday, May 28, 2007
just wanna ask if anyone wants to go zouk this wed since it's ladies night and thurs's a public holiday. HOHO
anw jess are you back yet? we miss you but we want presents more! :P
♥ yf

Thursday, May 24, 2007
current location @ changi airport
Hi girls
actually i am supposed to fly off @ 8am, but something not very nice happened so i will be taking the next flight which is @ 12pm. hahahaa!! but this does not spoil my mood. therefore i got many extra time in the airport, suddenly misses u girls will decided to leave u girls a msg.
so high!! taiwan has always been the place i wanted to go.... heheee!!!! there got my fav SHE and FAHRENHEIT!! so happy!!! of cos will not b so lucky to be able to meet them there la... heheee
hope someone will actually see this msg before i come back, if not is like msg for no body lor... hahahaaa!! ph!! i wan party world session again!!!!
sign off,

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
on board
hey hey!!
i nv blog den u all also nv blog huh... lazy lazy.....
anyway i am flying le wor... will be back on next monday night....
miss u girls!!!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007
hello ppl!
another weekend again.... hope everyone of you are enjoying yourself in some ways.. for me? at least i rest alot this weekend, much better den the other weekends. i slept on 4am on friday night, den woke up at 1pm on sat den dozed off at 3.30pm and woke up at 8pm. so now have more energy, but if u wan me to sleep now i can also do it too! =) but i think ph and yf is better den me. sleeping god.. n ya! i have cutted my hair! n yf too!
tomolo i will be going to my band buddies gathering @ city hall! good to gather... i love gathering... can we have a jnc dinner or outing or house visit soon?? i mean all 7 people hor! of cos judee not included huh.... but she will eat with us over there.. hehe
i will be changing our shoutbix to chatter box cos judee cant tag, so hope chatter box is better
in case u all didn't visit judee's blog, i grabbed her pic with our watch here too! when free go visit her blog too! she left some msg for us =)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
hello there..
to-do list ;
- cycling at east coast
- chillin' out
- zouk/mos (hah!)
- sentosa
- more party world-ing
- manicure/padicure @ holland v
- suppers
- picnic
/wheee i can't wait! :)
and and happy labour day! have a good rest all!
♥ yf
Ju got her PRESENT from US!!!!
Hey girls!!
I just rec. sms from ju, she said that she had rec. her present from us....
below is the conversation between us ;
ju: Hey.. i receive the present le... Thanks a lot... Hee.. Tell the others i receive lo...
jes: like it? ok ok must wear it everyday hor... wear it to your exam hall ;)
ju: ok.. Ya.. Like it DAMN lots.. Haha.. Ya... will wear from now onwards.. Haha.. You guys take care of each other ok... i will miss you all de..
jes: we miss you lots too ;) wear it n take a pic k? den post in your blog ;) take care and study hard huh ;)
ju: Yes.. i will blog de.. will study also.. haha.. see you all soon in dec :) take care..
suddenly misses judee alot... sobX
okok!! n people! i have changed the song liao, cos got people complain i advertising free for my SHE.. haha!! this song is call '一个像夏天一个像秋天', another very nice friendship song... hope you girls will seriously listen to the lyrics of this song... very meaningful isn't it?
special msg to ph: "i wan to k this song again!!!!"