This Story belongs to Us...
Years passed, time flies
Different characters come and go in lifes
All sorts of worries start to develop somewhere
Even the smiles are not that natural anymore
No more uniform
Or school bags filled with textbooks
White hair popping out
Tears is not that helpful anymore
Sounded bad?
No way....
This is our growing process =)
No matter you admit or not
We are actually growing up
Without realising
Even the topics we talked about now are no longer the same
Nothing to worry about
This is actually normal
Problem is
Is everyone clear about the next step?
Now, we are allow to choose
No longer planned for us
No more from primary to secondary to jc or poly
You got the choice
But are you clear in your next step?
Do you like the thing you are doing now?
Will you be able to do well?
Most importantly is, will you regret?
'The future is in your hand'
and our stories will continue...

Click on faces to view profile =)
Judee: 15th April
Joan: 6th April
Jes: 17th June
San: 21st June
Pei Hua: 1st July
Yah Fong: 21st Sept
Siew Ying: 4th Oct
Lai Di: 26th Oct
our bintan trip is end of this yr! dec
Judee coming back to singapore during end of nov
syz, ph and jes school holiday start dec
san sch holiday during mid nov
anyone wanna learn diving next year?
go clubbing when ju is back!
BBQ for all wgs alumni, date and venue to be confirm
joan became the chairman of wgs alumni community.. woOo~
what we planned to do!
earn money go shopping and holiday!!!
Weekly party world session!
go chomp
chomp for supper!!
juDee pOh*

She is the boSs.. biGgeSt
LovE 2 heLp olD fOlks
usEd tO b rEd crOsser
ChineSe prOf
hAte sHoPping
BeGgy pAnts
abLe to CoOk nIce foOd
GoiNg aWay fOr 5 yeArs
wE'Ll miSs u

joan ow*

shE is thE 2Nd boSsie
boRn lEadEr
oLdeSt amoNg aLl
MIA aLot
buSy wOman
cArry vErY biG bAgs
cAmp aLot
sTrOng wOmaN

jesSica chEn

3rD boSsie oF thIs orGanisaTion
rOunD fAce
love day-dreaming
loVe mAcaDamIa
Love WU ZUN!
hEr iN heR oWn stYle
*sIsTa saNdy Heng*

thE 4tH boSsie
siAo sIao
LovE kDrAmaSsssss
mUmmy gIrL
goOd fiGure.. WoO..
bEcome mOre n MoRe wOman

*dAo Girl lim pei Hua (a.k.a ENIFER)*

thAt 5th one
frOm a FamIly wiTh fUll oF woMen
LovE cAtZzz *fAtty*
afRaiD of Men
shE iS moRe thAn fAir
owN stYleZz
simple yet complicated
ShE acTuallY plAyed VoliN
caN't sWim

> *nOisy Chong yAh Fong*

shE is That 6th
skInnY gIrl
bUt shE alWays saYs sHe is FAT
wOrk Non-sTop
loVe to Shop
AlwaYs bEen thE DucK
SuPER higH pItcH voIce
scuba diving

> *QuEeie tEh siEw YinG*

7tH onE
1 iN a MilliOn sChoLars whO loOk like aH LIan
beComiNg moRe woMan
suPeR noIsy.. NO pEacE!
vEry veIn
rIch giRl
agReed.. shE is SmaRt
knOwn as ChaRlenE tOo
*liTtle nG laIdi

thE younGesT oNe
suPer MIA
suPeR woMan: abLe to WOrk 24/7
suPeR skInnY
caNt gRow anyMorE tOo
biG eyEs thaT
dIao reN
mAthS powEr
aCt CutE!

Saturday, April 28, 2007
Late night shopping @ town!
Hi all,
today, yf, ph, syz and me went for the late night shopping @ orchard road. yf n i met up earlier, and unable to contact tt ph. we called her like a million times and finally she picked up her phone. actually, we really tot she was in trouble, and we came out with all sort of possiblities like she get robbed, or fell asleep in train or went home to charge her phone or the best is to purposely ignore our calls. in the end, she was stil in office doing OT. poor girl, worked all the way to 9pm. and also poor us, we waited for her for dinner until 9.45pm! we are so hungry.... speaking of yf and i, we r both very broke and yet we wanted to shop so much! yf spotted a bag and a top, and i spotted a pants and also a top... yayaya, we are aiming at the same top... but!! we are so poor ... unable to afford.... kill us!! window shopping is scary.... haiz....
syz met us after our super late dinner (because of ph), it has been a long since i seen her on chinese new year. it was scary to listen to her study story in uni, she seems to be studying everyday... hardworking people...
we decided to walk around the shops that r still opened for the late night shopping, like topshop. i tried on 3 tops but none is the type of ' i need to get it!' so we 4 ended up without buying anything. i still perfer that top i tried in far east..... args......
after that we went mac for our chit chat session! each got an ice cream cone treated from syz.... =) thanks girl. den we update abt each other life. i always like this type of session... very relaxing and can be interesting too! den syz talked abt her sian ren.. like so the sweet lor... until ph cant stand it anymore... think ph must learn how to be a normal human and how to like a normal human being already... hahaa!
party world singing session again this sunday!! COOL i LIKE!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ju's present !
hey all!
in case you dun know, we have bought a nice watch for judee as her birthday present, and i have sent the present down to perth. if nothing went wrong, she should have rec. it by now =)
i wan go party world again.... 3 hours is simply not enough =)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
我是 SHE 的头号 fan!
Hey hey!!!
SHE's 10th album will be offically out on 11 May 2007!!
Let's the music play.... =D

I love SHE!!!!! Selina Hebe ELLA!!!!
You are now listening to SHE's lastest track : 中国话

Saturday, April 21, 2007
New SKIN uploaded!
Hi peers,
its me again, the new skin is finally up. i personally think that is not very nice, so i will improve on it next time. i will need more pictures ppl! best is got close shots and half body shots. and right? the front story, feel free to change it =)
Just now went out with ph, san and yy, tt yf claimed that she is tire, dun feel like coming down. slap her* actually today is suppose to be our band palz gathering. in the end none of them is free, so we changed it into a normal girls out. actually tonight is plain eating and chit chatting, no shopping. =)
saw a top @ pull and bear, really like it, but it costed $59.90. too ex, dun worth it. can't they just give a 80% discount? dreaming again
Because of this skin i was up til now, gtg sleep. my beauty sleep period is over
Before i go, mayb upload some pic tt yf, ph, yy and me took a few weeks again, haven got the time to use photoshop to do some design.

Thursday, April 19, 2007
location: boring office
Hi girls,
I am now at office, working. not that i got nothing to do is that the things to do are boring and i am tire. work for 5 full days, spent more than half of my day in office, i hardly got much time for myself. den weekend, i also dun sleep much cos i dun wan to waste my weekend off.
i just wanna sleep, i wan to rest and i wan some colours in my life.... routine just turns me off.
save me.
people are changing, so am i?
New skin coming up!!
Hi girls!!!
Forget to post Happy 20th Birthday to Judee!!!
Msg to judee: I never post birthday wishes here for you doesn't mean i forgotten about it le huh... you will see... hahahaha!!! stay pretty always huh... dun get an ang mo boyfriend back huh... and oh ya!! that time went shopping with ph den saw your sis(sandee) at orchard, she is getting prettier... =)
oh ya about the skin! i have done up a new skin again, but haven got the time to change it yet, abit bz at work.
note: as u girls know, i always design skin using our photos and stuffs, so if possible take more photo and post it to your friendster or our blog or where ever places that i can access k? if nt i will choose a photo randomly. if happened to be not very nice dun blame me huh... haha!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
not lost; just undiscovered
it's funny how everyone's feeling lost these days, and i thought it was just me and yy. LOL. we went for an interview the other day and the HR person was like 'Both of you look lost, just one more lost than the other.' like wth! anyhow, i like to think that we're not lost, we're just at a crossroad, a junction you know. so babes cheer up huh! whichever turn/path you embark on, have faith in yourself and i'm sure the rest of us will be behind you too ;)
rem all of us is a book; unwritten. how the story goes depends on what you write in it! ^-^
Unwritten / natasha beddingfield
I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten.
♥ yf

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
hey girls,
The first time I am blogging at this account, maybe you guys can visit to update urself on Joan's life? LOL
Yup, I am entering chapter 2.0 of my life pretty soon, and many uncertainties in my life now; not knowing if I am able to enter uni? Should I take up private uni if the local uni application fail? and many other stuff running through my mind now.
I certainly agree that my next chapter of my life is not fully within my control, everything seems so grey and I feel lost without knowing why? I supposed you girls know me well; I am someone who is afraid of failure and have high ego and expectation of myself.
I just dont know why I am lost? Hopefully everything will be crystal clear soon! [:
sign off,
joan [: