This Story belongs to Us...
Years passed, time flies
Different characters come and go in lifes
All sorts of worries start to develop somewhere
Even the smiles are not that natural anymore
No more uniform
Or school bags filled with textbooks
White hair popping out
Tears is not that helpful anymore
Sounded bad?
No way....
This is our growing process =)
No matter you admit or not
We are actually growing up
Without realising
Even the topics we talked about now are no longer the same
Nothing to worry about
This is actually normal
Problem is
Is everyone clear about the next step?
Now, we are allow to choose
No longer planned for us
No more from primary to secondary to jc or poly
You got the choice
But are you clear in your next step?
Do you like the thing you are doing now?
Will you be able to do well?
Most importantly is, will you regret?
'The future is in your hand'
and our stories will continue...

Click on faces to view profile =)
Judee: 15th April
Joan: 6th April
Jes: 17th June
San: 21st June
Pei Hua: 1st July
Yah Fong: 21st Sept
Siew Ying: 4th Oct
Lai Di: 26th Oct
our bintan trip is end of this yr! dec
Judee coming back to singapore during end of nov
syz, ph and jes school holiday start dec
san sch holiday during mid nov
anyone wanna learn diving next year?
go clubbing when ju is back!
BBQ for all wgs alumni, date and venue to be confirm
joan became the chairman of wgs alumni community.. woOo~
what we planned to do!
earn money go shopping and holiday!!!
Weekly party world session!
go chomp
chomp for supper!!
juDee pOh*

She is the boSs.. biGgeSt
LovE 2 heLp olD fOlks
usEd tO b rEd crOsser
ChineSe prOf
hAte sHoPping
BeGgy pAnts
abLe to CoOk nIce foOd
GoiNg aWay fOr 5 yeArs
wE'Ll miSs u

joan ow*

shE is thE 2Nd boSsie
boRn lEadEr
oLdeSt amoNg aLl
MIA aLot
buSy wOman
cArry vErY biG bAgs
cAmp aLot
sTrOng wOmaN

jesSica chEn

3rD boSsie oF thIs orGanisaTion
rOunD fAce
love day-dreaming
loVe mAcaDamIa
Love WU ZUN!
hEr iN heR oWn stYle
*sIsTa saNdy Heng*

thE 4tH boSsie
siAo sIao
LovE kDrAmaSsssss
mUmmy gIrL
goOd fiGure.. WoO..
bEcome mOre n MoRe wOman

*dAo Girl lim pei Hua (a.k.a ENIFER)*

thAt 5th one
frOm a FamIly wiTh fUll oF woMen
LovE cAtZzz *fAtty*
afRaiD of Men
shE iS moRe thAn fAir
owN stYleZz
simple yet complicated
ShE acTuallY plAyed VoliN
caN't sWim

> *nOisy Chong yAh Fong*

shE is That 6th
skInnY gIrl
bUt shE alWays saYs sHe is FAT
wOrk Non-sTop
loVe to Shop
AlwaYs bEen thE DucK
SuPER higH pItcH voIce
scuba diving

> *QuEeie tEh siEw YinG*

7tH onE
1 iN a MilliOn sChoLars whO loOk like aH LIan
beComiNg moRe woMan
suPeR noIsy.. NO pEacE!
vEry veIn
rIch giRl
agReed.. shE is SmaRt
knOwn as ChaRlenE tOo
*liTtle nG laIdi

thE younGesT oNe
suPer MIA
suPeR woMan: abLe to WOrk 24/7
suPeR skInnY
caNt gRow anyMorE tOo
biG eyEs thaT
dIao reN
mAthS powEr
aCt CutE!

Saturday, March 31, 2007
up coming event!
joan's birthday is on next friday! a good friday!
lets meet up for dinner??
Beautiful life =)
hey girls!
can see that not many of you actually drop by this blog to sae something or post something, this is our blog, just hope that you girls can make a little effort to write down something too =) a couple of words are enough, we dont expect everyone to write long essay or novel. i knew that everyone got their own life now, some may be very busy, some may be very tire, some may be too lazy, or is simply too busy enjoying life. if you are enjoying yourself, good for u! if u r abit sick of ur life, den buck up! if any good thing happened, can write down to share with us =) as the same time, if anything bothering you, we r willing to lent you a listening hear too =)
just to update abit of myself =)
i finally got my complete result in poly, i successfully completed my 3 yr of study in nyp. my final gpa is 3.57. and then NTU school of social science asked me down for an interview next week, but i think i am giving up the place. cos after much thinking, i am not going just for a cert from NTU, but a cert of something i think i can execl on. if both NUS and NTU school of biz do not accept me, i think i will get a full time job and study part time biz course in SIM.
suddenly got a bit of emo feeling, think i will wan to say some emo stuffs.
when i gotten my full result, i realise how times really flies. can you believe it was a 3 yr dip course? able to hold on the result means 3 yr have passed. thinkin back, we have actually known each other for around 7 years. not to give any wet blanket, but can this friendship last for another 7 years? or even another 7 years after that 7 years?
if you ask me, am i happy to have maintained such a long 7 years friendship? i will say, 'i m, but if able to choose, i will wan to start this all over again, bulid this friendship again.' i knew that this was plain dreaming.
i really dont know why i will have such a mixed feeling, why am i lookin back? i used to be a person who keep on looking forward. since when i am becoming this way? issit because of that stage in everyone's life; growing up.
few years back, i looked forward to alot of things. look forward to band practises, lunch at vista point, teacher day, school holiday, olvl, 6 months holiday after olvl, olvl result, new poly life, lunch in school, meeting new friends, school event, handsome guys in sch, and of cos outing with u girls =). kept on lookin forward until a point i wan to look back, i can c that we are nt getting younger. hitting that deadful '2', 20. i wan to go back to study. even any outing with u girl, after the day out, i will wan to look back again, wan to enjoy myself again. all outing with u girls have been a good one. =)
no one can stop this growing up, you can only make it beautiful. r u doing it?
i dun know whether m i doing it or not, did i spend my time in the correct way? i admitted, i can be quite fake sometime. this is life man, sometime no choice, you just have to put on a mask to face the world. now thinkin back, y should i ever need to do this at all? i am myself, only the real me, the real jes is the best personality i can ever be! so i decided to throw away this mask, i just wanna be me.
i dun wan to grow up so quickly, after so many part time jobs and attachment in some whatever company, i can actually see what the others is doing. the political stuffs in office. how fake some smiles can be, how can human beings be so scary? and i knew that 1 day i will need to be among them. no more kiddy wonderland. if u r nt alert, u may b one of their kick off target too.
and seriously, i dun wan to be in the office, staring in the screen, from 9am to 6pm. i rather be under the sun, or walking around. is there any job out there tt suit me????
recall and recall, think the one job i wan is to be a singer! slap myself, y can't i think of something that i can really do?
i got something that i wanna say, from the bottom of my heart.
this quote is abit 老掉牙, i knew that.
but i seriously believe in it, i love to sing! and this is my passion, my greatest and craziest dream i can ever have. so i am no way in giving it up. the possiblity is close to 0%, but you wun know. even if i will never be a singer till the end of my life, i just know that i did try, but just that something went wrong so i didnt get hold the chance of it. so nothing to be sad about. unable to be a singer, i will still try to get a job that is related to it, abit hard, esp in this tiny and lousy singapore market. i will never say die, mayb just a little grumble here and there.
so girls, i decided to join the teenage icon singing competition and be a star singing competition. if u girls have any lobang or c any competition that is related to singing, remember to tell me =)
after so much of my thoughts and feel, i got something wan to tell u girls too.
life is just so short, a straight line, no loop, you can never turn it back. if you have anything in mind, spilt it out! just do it! even if it is something that is so silly or so unnoticable. wan to be a photographer? go. wan to study fish? go. wan to be a doctor? go! wan to earn big money? go!! wan to get marry b a housewife? go!!!! wan to open a shop? gogo go!!! do whats u think best for urself. only u knew what u wan and wat u capable on. i dun wan to c any of us, regret 30 yrs later. grap it if there is any chance! make yourself shine! you r the super model in your life.
yup! i love to sing, and i wan to sing till i reached to the point i can't speak anymore! =)
love u girls,

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Finally Friday !
Hi my dear girls!
its any week and its our perfect friday!
met up with yf, yy and ph for interview today. Quite a disappointment too. initially we are informed that its $8/hr. now its $6/hr. -.- crazy man. i dunnoe still wan to take the job anot. still in consideration. haiz
soooooo sad....... tot i have a good pay job at last. they say we will stationed at either watson/guardians, inADDITION, its 1 person per station! WTF! How to have fun while working. argh
after the interview, we went cineleisure 'Hong Kong Cafe' for quick lunch. we order ice holick(ph), ice milo dinosaur(yy), ice milk tea(yf... i think), ice ying yang tea(me), 2 har gao, french toast, porridge, black pepper chicken spagetti and dumplings. hahahaha. we took some pictures!
Later, ph and me accompany yy to tanjong pagar (CMS PTE LTD) to ask about yy's desire degree in overseas (perth), while yf went off to meet her friends. Chat with Ph about JC, POLY and University while waiting for our YY the Queen. hahhahaa took her 30mins lor.. its was like soooooooo loooooong ! hahahhaa impatience.
To kill our time, we went BACK to Cineleisure E2MAX to play XBOX and online games. We went to chamber (MAGE), we took about 30 mins to find a 2 player games, in the end it ended up 1 playing XBOX and 2 play online game. hahaha i realised those game i play, YY also play! so first round was me and yy playing O2JAM and ph play XBOX (forgotten the title. but its like RPG)
It has been a long time since i played O2JAM. rusty liao lor.... dotz dotz. i was a pro then. hahahhahahahahahahaha but YY played better then me. 2nd round was PH and YY playing O2JAM while me continue where PH stops. interesting man XBOX. my first time playing though. so hard to use the controller la. OMG!!! so many different buttons. argh. i so mountain tortoise. hahahhah 2 hours seem short.. not enough time to play that XBOX game. it takes tooo much time. looooooong stoooooory liiiiiiiiine.
went for dinner. SUBWAY for dinner... but its full. bery bery full. we eat and talked from 9.30pm to 11.30pm with yf, yy and ph. hahahhahahahahahaha
fun and tiring day. tooo long nv go out for so long. and also tooo long nv go out with them le. bery bery happy!
Signed off By Sweet Sandy !! v(^o^)

Sunday, March 11, 2007
KTV Session!!!
hi ppl!
yesterday is a wonderful day out girls! hope we got more of this type of sessions huh?
finally finally i manage to go ktv! yesterday, yf, ph, yy and me went party world to sing our heart out from 2.30pm till 6.30pm! if our pocket allows, we can continue to sing on! our highest record is 10 hours in kbox, all thanks to lai di's help =)
okok, ph and i managed to reached there first, so we started our 各人演唱会 first! our first track is from FIR! ph's fav! den who is me fav? 我是 SHE 的头号 fan! wat SHE songs u choosen, i'm up to it! so we sing until very high! not forgetting to mention that very nice too =) and then my sister is actually also in party world, with just 2 doors away from us, so i'm like Celebrity, run there and here within the 2 doors, sing at our side then go over there to sing at her side! so fun!!! love it!!!
very very cool!! den ph and i sing that 如果的事 , very nice k? next time if u all insist we will sing for u guys =)
after a while. yf and yy came too! yf like malay lor, let her sing chinese song, one is dun know how to sing, if not is dun know how to sing the chinese words. think 张老师 must b very sad, after teachin her for so long in wgs, in the end the chinese stadard is still like tt.. hehee.. den she say she know english song, then the most important part is, those english songs we choosen, she also dun know how to sing... indeed very malay lor~~~~ lolZ
also get very high in ktv when the mv of 怎麼辦 and 專屬天使 and 超喜歡你 came up!! WU ZUN is SO so So SO handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yf and i so high k? cant imagine y someone will grow until so handsome! must b the genes... will melt when c her... the muscle... so fit!! den so tall!!! WoO!!~~~ melted.... =D
i actually sang 怎麼辦 3 times k? will nv get sick of it, cos everytime there will be wu zun! make me sing 100 times also no prob!
den yy (another SHE freak) said she wan sing SHE's songs, any song also no prob. so i choosen some nice one, in the end when the song started she say she dun know... diao k? den cheated me, i need to sing the whole song.... then she only insisted to sing hebe's part, den i need to take salina's and ella's (ELLA RULZ!!!) part, one so high, one lower, she purposely de lor...
then every SHE song also make me high, esp when ella on screen! i simply admire her so much!!!
actually i also quite impress with myself abt the number of songs i know how to sing! esp SHE one, think i'm simply someone who cant live without music! =P
singing is my greatest passion!
after our singing session, we went off to cwp. not forgetting to mention we got a 4hr free singing session in party world, and we will go there again soon!! cool! sing together is fun!
in cwp, they say wan watch movie, den i sae dun wan cos i wan save money ma.. so in the end they also nv watch (Felt so guilty) =S
so we decided to eat first, the best part is eat also need to think so long!! dun know eat wat.. can stand there 30 min den still no result.. in the end, is decided to be mos burger.. FINALLY k? hahaa! den same thing, we ate and we chatted about everything under the sun. after mos burger still not enough, we went to mac to continue with our session. really quite impressed with the number of things we can chat abt. we will nv out of topics. really so touched to have friends like this, this is really FRIENDS!! you girls are my angels.... =)
we sat in mac until 12.45. actually is say leave at 11.15 de, den become 11.30 den is 12.15, den 12.30... still!! drag until 12.45am! girls like us r indeed scary... =)
GIRLS! i hope to have more of this session in the future can? i really cherish it wor.. =) hug u girls!
wonder judee can come our blog or not, still wan say.. i miss u! =)
罗志祥 - Speshow
Hi girls! ^^
wooo its sunday! and i'm up early! told u girls earlier on (previous post) that i've been waking up early. -.- hehehhe
now while waiting for Lambert to come over to my house, i'm listening to Show's latest album ! 'Speshow', and also watched the MV DVD. omg... 1 word.. 'Mesmerise'
hehhee. He danced so f***ing well ! hehehe oops. The following is one of the song in the album:
☆hi baby 宝贝
一定认为我就很坏all right
come on let's go
come on let's go
hi baby 宝贝
跟我浪漫着每一夜all right
come on let's go
come on let's go
come on let's go
come on let's go
come on let's go
come on let's go☆.
Happy Sunday !!
hi there!! booo!
dun say i nv blog wor! hehehehe
it's 3.36am now. >.< >.< >.<
Recently i've been waking up early . . -.- first thing to do is switch on my computer and load anime/movie/drama from YouTube/ Dailymotion. hehehe. Finally get to watch my favorite drama of all time . . Hana Yori Dango 2 returns! this is the japanese live version of meteor garden, their F4 is better den Taiwan version one lor! (in my opinion) ^^
i've watched so many anime/videos online. >.<. this is my recommendation.
1) Chrno Crusade (anime)
2) Nanoha Lyrical (anime - complete)
3) Nanoha A Lyricl (anime - complete)
4) Trinity Blood (anime - incomplete)
5) Saiyuki (anime - complete)
6) Saiyuki Reload (anime - complete)
7) Saiyuki Reload Gunlock (anime - complete) --> this anime is about 'the journey to the west' japanese version. hahahahah modern version i mean.
8) One piece (anime - incomplete - till 299 episode)
9) bleach (anime - incomplete - till 117/118 episode)
10) Hana Yori Dango (live action - complete - @
11) Hana Yori Dango 2 Returns (live action - incomplete - @
ok~ continue with my journey for today. This morning i went to SIM HQ to send application for Bachelor in Business(Marketing). ^^ haiz. shouldn't have went today man.. argh. i've totally forgotten today is SIM Open House. Many ppl went to apply too, but fortunately (i guess) i waited for 1hour only. if i had reached later... hohohoho. think got to wait more than 1.5hours bah. hahahahaha. if i'm able to get a place in that course, i'm only taking 1.5 years instead of the complete 3 years! hehehe. (blissful coz i took business related diploma in poly ^^) the journey to SIM is consider so-so bah~ if i take mrt den bus, it will take around 45mins? yea... 45mins.
Ok. going on ~~~~~~~~ went to grandma house.. hehee my father bought a new camera from the IT FAIR in Suntec. hmm Brand is CASIO. my first SLIM camera. took some pictures. but will take 2 pictures to blog!!! ^^
evening time, went to bert's house. den night time MAHJONG SESSION! WOOOHOOO!! BIG Winner is grandma and bert!!! ^^ Mahjong session end at 1.45am. -.- hahahhahahahahaa
photo time!

my dear family @ grandma housie

ok. that's me. hehehe.
ps: haiz. i'm getting rounder.... time to KEEP FIT!! GOO GOO SANDY!! GOOO GOOOO!
Signed off by Sweet Sandy v^^

Saturday, March 10, 2007
boo hu!
Hi peers!
pretty sad to see no one update our blog wor, wonder did u guys come n visit or not lor... hahaa! anyway, just to update each other.
Last Friday, yf, yy, ph, joan and i went sandy's house for streamboat, to celebrate chinese new year! suppose is to meet at 5 at her house, in the end, the 3 super late comers-> ph, yy and yf come at 8 plus lor!!! they went vivo to shop for their wat ever dnd dresses. so as usual, they are nv on time! so we waited so long for them, i watch finish my hana kimi already, they were still not here lor... lolZ~
the streamboat is nice, we ate until very very full. den after that is blackjack session with sandy's family! dun know y her daddy heard blackjack den get high, then insisted to be the dealer. *think he too rich ba...* =) n n n to recall! tt time in ph's house, joan won over $50 lor.. den the 2 poor yy and yf lost alot! think they not lucky ba.. =)
so back to sandy's house, u guess in the end who is the biggest winner? zhi an lor... cheated over $70!! den we played like a couple of hours and i won $2 in the end... power hor?
o ya we still got photos taken at yah fong's house de haven upload! tt girl haven send me lor..
n saded!! hana kimi no more le... my wu zun n ella... i wan buy their dvd!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007
our blog is finally up! *CLAPSCLAPS*
thanks car-chen yoz!
credit me too; i upload the music for her ks.
anyway can't wait for the steamboat again later on!
wish judee was here too! *waves to ju*
how's aust? STUDY HARD!!
LOL. anyway everyone take care ya!